Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Happy October 2011!

Bloggers Vaganzaaa!!!
I'm really happy wif this month. you know why? I celebrated my 15th birthday in October, and this was my first time to get the first rank in my class.. ^^ I never got first rank before :D
and in 28th October 2011, I have a chanced to say Sumpah Pemuda text in front of all students in my SHS.. whooaaaa... I'm so glad.. these are some of my photos at there.. :) I just posted some, and I will post the other one ASAP. :). Check this out!

The boy was really really really silencer.. -,-" n it makes me not really comfy wif it.. u,u

I wore Bali Traditional Costume. n the Kamboja's Flowers were real! It wasn't imitation. :P
Keep Sumpah Pemuda Spirit Everyone!!

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