Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Love Drops

We've been together for 5 years. And I'm so thankfuuul for that. Thank you for bringing me joy. Thank you for always protecting me. You're my second home. ILU.


and we were out for lunch at Warung Tekko

two glasses of tea in a big beer's glass, well actually we ordered three :P

Jamur Crispy Penyet

Otot Penyet, Oh my I'm in love with the 'sambel'

and this one is the most well-known menu, Iga Penyet. Gosh, I'm hungreeehhh

Watching movie before the government banned it, lol

I must say thank you once again. Hope our days will always fill with love-drops for the next years ahead. Amin.


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