Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Blogger Yard Sale part 4

It's been a long time that I desired to post and share to you about the event I attended, Blogger Yard Sale part 4. Since my Adobe Photoshop suddenly dissapeared from my Local Disk (grrrrrrr), I can't edit the photos and will only give you these plain photos. But I hope you like it ;)

the 'TKP' :)

The most unforgetable moment. I met many new friends :D
from left Umi - Rani - Phute - Ka Nisa - Ussiy - Me - Dhilla

And got a chance to meet ka Fika and Ka Inna Rovi from Hijabers Community. Yay! :D
*pict from Ka Fika's blog

This is the two photos I edited before the photoshop was gone.

This event was very important to me because I met a lot of people there. New friends and new experiences. Hope we can meet and catch up someday Hijabees :)
And may Allah always guide us to keep our istiqamah in His way. Amin :)


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