Minggu, 28 November 2010

Welcome 21

The most kindest and funniest man in this world has just passed his new age. On last Thursday, 25th Nov, I came to his house with purpose without asking his permission. Yes, It was 5 o'clock in the morning. I've arranged it a couple of days ago. I wanted to wake him up and make a surprise for him. So I bought him a cake and came in a rush on that day. Wanna know a little?

look at those sleepy eyes

avocado layered cake. taste like heaven :9

And it was the day when he treated me. We were watching Harry Potter 7 and had a lunch at Solaria. Thanks my 'unyuu fly' ! :)

This post is dedicated to you dear. Thanks for the last 4 years. I'm so glad to be yours. I Love You.

much love,

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