Rabu, 21 September 2011

Lolita Cosplay Indoor Photos

I wanna say I'M TIRED FOR EVERYTHING!!! uh ohhhhh... from diesnatalis problem until what they called?? a boyfie??? wkwkwkw LOL..
but I will tell u about my pict wif lolita costume. I took Lolita costume in Potret Studio. I love the costume so muuuccchhh... actually, I took this pict when it was holiday when I'm in 9 grade. so it was some expired photos, huh? LOL
those are my photos :)

tomorrow will be my school anniversary. my class theme is ROCK N ROLL!! but I think that, my childish face doesn't help wif those theme -,-". the anniversary will held 3 days from mowning until 9.30 p.m. LOL can u guess how wonderful is it? :D I will upload more photos about it. so, keep reading and don't forget to follow me :)

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