my boss recommended me to do a blog...
i said dat i'm not really into it...
on the other hand, i thought i should pula...
so, here's an update of my blog since i have not been doing anything to it semenjak once upon a time... dulu la...
well, today was...exhausting! early morning oredi wake up and revise my Design Studies notes for the exam at 9.32am... it went ok larh... since Alex actually gave clues and the exam was a total mess... "more like discussion" as Jimmy said so...
the exam finished happilly at 10.32am... passed up and ada briefing on next ASSignment. we were required to design a book... sounds easy, i know... but... NEVER assume... it's NEVER easy! will start on that after i clean up all my remaining mess (ass(s))...
- Life Drawing
- Communication Studies
- Creative Studies... HARUS Gilak habis SOON! next Monday submission!
- the rest i 4got...
after class was dismiss, i quickly went the hell out of there... grabbed Annabel, Vannessa, Tan & Jessica for lunch at a place call "GRANMA"... hahaha! how lame... but nasib the food was nice... we had Bak Kut Teh...

unfortunately it's STRICTLY...

selepas itu, i drove them back to campus... then, went out again to wisma satok to develop photos for the freakin' ASS... tengok2 the development of those photos influence the development of my *whatever feeling i was having dat time*... those photos cost me
RM 108.50
like... what the F...
ok lah... bayar saja! had to lend some cash from Tassyla... thanks Tassyla!!! dah tu, we hantar my Kak Gee to bayar her saman sik engkah parking coupon at DBKU payment counter nearby Maybank Perbankan Islam (so racist... cubalah Perbankan Bersama!) at satok... from there, drive again all the way to Main Post Office to buy Setem Hasil for the stupid PTPTN thing...
adakah patut have to buy another RM 20... last time punya RM 20 oso tak cukup kah??? they pandai pakai alasan 'change procedure'... change procedure your ASS! kak ya... we drove again pegi Techno Graphic... i hav to buy some thing to mount my photos... after that baru we pulang campus... lelah gilerrrr! my Kak Gee pun dah lost her mind... i wish i could help her... but myself tak ter-help... so kesianted!
Kak Gee...

Jaga diri baik2 K...
We LOVE you!!!
We LOVE you!!!
Aduhhhh..... first blog oredi popek-popek banyak! until now pun belum habis! sambungan... then, Kak Gee went back straight... i hope she's ok... i pulak went to my store to sambung my work... paste my photos on sum black stuff... then, my boss, minta tolong to ambil gambar for sum management dunno lah... these are some of them... ok la... bukan i pro sangat pun... in progress...

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