Sabtu, 03 Mei 2008


today was a nice day...
started off preety early today...5.30 am shift at my store...
the store was not that busy though...
nasib lah... bcoz i was feeling like *sigh* useless... tired bah... no semangat but i tetap berjaya senyum for customers la... "legendary service" as we would like to call it at Starbucks...

after my shift ended at 11.30am i stayed to update myself with the newspapers we have... byk betul kisah dalamnya...! now i know! then at around 12.30pm went back to take a nap....sampai...6pm i think then i bangun coz me & Jacky plan to go out...
TENGOK2! sampai lima orang mok pergi... ok la... smua gila2 punya friends...
joined was... Ian, Nizam, Gary, Jacky n me... wow! cramp comfortably in Gary's car... nasib not Jai's sempit Kembara... *sorry Jai*

ok... first, we went off to get my new Blackberry Curve at TJ... walet dah penuh, pergi sana... TENGOK2!!! dah dikebas orang.... aduhhhhhhh! tak pa lah... i guess Monday or sumother day lah i get it... i have to bear my right-sided fat, heavy ass for couple of days...

dah tu... we went to chill at Hilton... first at Cafecinno (is da spelling right?) then shift our asses to Senso... watched sum football, chat n live band... nice lar... but my nose sengsara sikit coz the guys juz cant stop puffing... owh ya... we were joined by Jazil & Melda...

The Lima...

organic for me...


dah mabuk...

group photo...
jazzy, melbox, jackee, [V], jelu jai, snaily gary, sneez-am

one CELAKA thing bout Senso is the walkway... bertangga-tangga! i TRIPPED in front of the band...! aduuuuuhhhhh!!!! nasib they werent performing dat time... mun sik... everybody look... malu tau... but i act cool jer! sik perasan aku naturally talented to be a comedian... should try...hehe...

dat was our meeting at Hilton... leaved at 10.30pm coz we parked at Parkson... takut nanti stuck sana... so, after dat we sambung at Peach Garden, Jln. Song... i desire the KC bah... i dah rakus... makan jer depan Nizam... after that, balik lor... reached home at 12... now updating dis...

dats all from me...
happy reading guys!

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