Sabtu, 19 April 2008


tired, tired, tired!!!!
feel like wanna scream!!!
aduh... 2day saturday pun awal2 dah kluar... until baru tadi i sampai rumah... left work at around 1.30am bah... crazy day!!! dah larh hampir crash! my mind actually went blur for few moments be4 i realise anything... i think my mind needs more rest...

so...2day was like all other days... went to campus at 10am to process my ptptn (celaka punya ptptn!!!) and submit my Muara Tebas ass... afterthat, juz duduk2 wiv Carol... dont feel like doing things 2day except for doing my hair... YESSS!!! i finally did... you'll know how it looks like on Monday... no photo to post here... it cost me rm70 though... ok larh the outcome... wild!

after hair-do, went to Memories at Padungan for dinner... we ate Honey Chicken, Sweet Sour "unhalal stuff", mixed vege and Drunken Chicken... hahaha! dat was funny... but nyaman larh our dinner... we spent around rm40 i think...but it was satisfying... aku bersyukur...

OMG! y is dis post soooooo boring??? help me... i think dat my mind is starting to shut down or pre-parkinsons disease or sumthing...!

after makan... sent Dorr & Sher back & to collect my precious men's purse yang tertinggal earlier on... then, speed off to work... at work, nothing much happened lar... the kesianted one came for a brief visit... thanks man for dropping by... if not, takda org teman me break time... then, i juz boring and go makan at KFC a.k.a. palang merah yang memang "bagai pinang dibelah dua" wiv my hair! ur presence enhance my semangat diet... so tak jadi lah makan again...

owh...btw, Angie & Moulin Rouge stopped by for dinner at my store... glad that they were happy wiv what we served... gave them 30% discount! my colleagues pula ada gatal sikit... HR ya... mok minta no. Moulin Rouge eventhough she's unavailable... mentang2 my fwen... tapi i tetap tidak beri... mana boleh kaco honey org lain! ish...
after layan Angie & MR sekejap, i went back to work...
work, work, work... until balik... dah balik, mandi, then this larh...
sorry larh... if boring... i am juz exhausted... i think i'll wake up at noon later... soooo needing more rest... i dont want to lose my stability... nanti ada aku tiba2 laughing in the shower bcoz excited gilak the water touching my body... jangan... pernah berlaku! dat time dah unstable gilak! need some pills here... no one???
i so NEED a P.A.... ok lah...

signing off...

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