Rabu, 30 April 2008


i havent blogged for like how many days? 4 i think??? tak tau lah...
i'm exhausted now but i terbaca Doreen's blog & she TAGGED me for this survey...
this is the reason i kira-kira "ada semangat" mau berkarangan malam2 buta ini...
this is my version...

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
* seriuosly, i dont think i'll make it... too bad...

2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
* bungee jumping from sydney bridge n sum place in new zealand...

3. What's your favorite thing to do?
* menyondal + melacur...

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
* no since now i realize there's not much time left...

5. What is the song for you and your significant other?
* the funny thing is, i did this "Whats Ur Song" test on sum website few days ago and result...
Back In Black by AC/DC... download in & it's kinda nice...

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
* i would want to believe that... but i juz cant...

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
* friendship

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
* do sumthing nice for myself, family, friends & community before i leave

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
* havent tried... i guess no...

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
* funny, sama kepala, very good person

11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
* dun really care anymore...

12. What do you like about the other half?
* yang akan datang, biar datang... yang akan pergi, biar pergi...

13. What is your ambition?
* to hav the best & happiest feeling

14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
* for emergency use only...

15. Do you believe 'love at first sight?'
* on non-humans... yes

16. If you could undo doing one mistake in the past, what would it be?
* sudah berlalu...

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
* i hav no plans ANYMORE to change my character... those who hate that part of me... juz FUCK OFF!!!

19. What is the one thing you cannot do but you wish you could?
* there's nothing i cant do... i am in control from initiating these things...

20. Why did you tag these chosen few?
* those who read this withing 7 days from now (May 1st, 2008) are automatically TAGGED... hehe! after that, expired oredi...


so, there goes wiv whatever it was above...
today was a "go-going" day... well, bangun macam biasa, go campus & then briefing sekejap in Emmanuel's class (DISLIKE da guy...!) then, off to work... started at 12noon till 6 sumthing... waited for my dad's arrival, gave him my car keys and ride to dinner on Jacky's Kelisa wiv Snaily Gary & Ian Ja-i!

it was a fun night! we ate at this Filipino restaurant at Padungan area... Pinoy Ihaw-Ihaw... WOW! it was great! ambience was right, food... MEMANG NYAMAN!!!

tengah kekenyangan...

Ian Ja-i & Snaily Gary...

one of the BEST dish...

we all RAKUS... licin...

harap the orang filipino tak hairan see us makan macam orang tidak pernah makan...
we all memang gila lah... but tetap BEST...! thanks guys for a FANTASTIC night!
later after dinner, we rush to Star Cineplex for the Iron Man movie... BEST! the hall was already packed when sumone suddenly doesnt hav any seat...??? dahlah my seat & that person SAMA NOMBOR... BOLEH SIKKKK!!!! i dont blame dat person la... but the STUPID management... they dah lah BLOCK Gary's & my view of the screen because he sibuk2 check my ticket takut2 tidak betol punya... HOW POSSIBLE??? CELAKA dat person!!!... i mean the worker...

apa2pun malam ini tetap ROCK! we exited Medan around 0050 hours and went straight back to the store to pick up stuffs we left there... after that then Ian drove me home...
THANKS IAN...!!! i wonder if nex time more favors from you?????

ok lah... now mau pengsan dah!
salam bahagia...

Rabu, 23 April 2008


yesterday was an expired day...
dont wanna talk about it...

today??? was a HEPI day!!! yayness! we finally celebrated Vans & Roz burfday!...
they didn't expect it at all... hahaha! "dont we all??"
thanks to the events manager... Annabelle... gud job! i soooo need a P.A. now... i'll arrange for an interview...
don't really know what to say more... it was FABULOUS! lots came to support... thanx everybody for making this a GOOD DAY!

senyum2lah selalu...

dear vans & roz,
you've made it another year
been through lots of ups & downs
may blessings continue shining upon both of you strong ladies so,
this is from me,



ok, dis morning, woke up at 11am... i know right! it's LATE... finally i got a satisfying rest... but, i didnt went to class... bad boy! well, simple to say, i dislike my lecturer... my first time saying it but i juz dont like him...! bukan sengaja apa... i know i need to carry on wiv my studies... but i juz dont like... so, dont force me... let me choose my path... i decided not to regret on my actions... life is just like dat... no fair, i know!
if he send a letter to my parents, i'll just burn it... burn... i'll think on what to do next...
i am not a good person... juz dont force me... i bukan nak tunjuk "terror" or what... this is juz what i feel like expressing now...! but i am capable of doing things...

enough of the emo stuff... today went ok... after the brief gathering of celebration, me once again, BERKOBAR-KOBAR complete the rest of my Life Drawing ass... habis juga akhirnya...! did everything at my store at airport... at 3.15pm i went off to campus to submit it but detoured for final touches at wings before handling in in to Emmanuel... i cannot look in his eyes... he's scary! dah la his eyes were reddish juz now wiv the veins visible... ewwwww...

dah tu, a bye-bye session wiv the leftover friends at campus then move on, back to airport... waited for TKO to finish his class so me, Ian & him can go makan sama...
we TUNGGU2, TUNGGU2... sekali! TENGOK2, he cant join us... i dont mind la if he has his family gathering... but y didnt inform us awal2... aduhhhh... me & Ian hav to wait bah... tapi apapun, i forgive you... my dearest friend... becoz the world might juz end in 2012... so i wanna kurangkan my kejahatan...

me & Ian enjoyed our dinner at Peach Garden, Jln. Song... after dat, pick up my stuff at the store then hantar Ian pulang... then, i send myself back home... now this... blog! keja tak buat... hehe! no larh... akan saya persiapkan tugasan-tugasanku...
k lah... wanna go continue my Design Studies...
looking forward to a happy day 2moro... lets pray!

kak gee: (name), mau beli handpon???
dah lah...

Senin, 21 April 2008


WOW! Today was another hectic day! Memang GILA!
Started off by waking up quite late... 8.15am i think... lambat bah!
dah siap semua, speed off to fetch my "morning client" a.k.a. Jiminiyay!
even lambat... dia tetap selamber jer... memang harus dipuji! always calm... i wonder what he practices to keep a stable mind...
done wiv the fetching, we drove to campus... adalah we lambat sikit saja lah... around 9.20am like dat... dah biasa... hehe!
ok... i didn't went in to class diz morning coz i was concentrating on completing my accordance fold thinggy... well, spent the whole day touching up, still not done yet... aduhhhh!!! FRUSTRATED oredi! dah lah i cant connect perfectly to the internet at campus... STUPID! BODOH! BAKOK! y Chin ya dah BUTAK kah? berapa puloh Apple laptops at campus pun nya sik configure wi-fi for us mac users... complaint pun sik guna... kelak when u tanya nya... he pura2 busy and juz run away... mmg... ISH!!!!! ada hari kelak... ku bakar sekolah ya dengan bantuan Kak Gee ku yang pandey architecture! You GO Kak Gee!!!

i desire this...


with the wi-fi problem keep on intefering the completion of my assignment, i escaped to Heri's (heritage cafe) wiv Sher & Dor for it's coolness & wi-fi connection which is EXCELLENT! sik kedak LKW-WINGS ya! BENCI!!!!!!!

dear tass,
i would like to say here,
that i'm sorry,
for not teman you to heri's diz afternoon,


ok... after having lunch & did some extra research & illustrator... we left after more than an hour there... food & ambience was great as always... however, need to rush away... dropped the both of them at campus, then, i went off to my storey to try to complete the fucking ass...
it was already 6.30pm...
tried my best but still have more to do... so, i juz paused for awhile...
went off to the spring for some sushi... wow! this was the craziest dinner i've ever been to... 8 people cramping on a 6 people table... OMG...! tapi apa nak buat... our asses found eachother chemistry and just bonded "quite" comfortable... hahaha! look at how high our stacked up plates... one bottle of soy sauce... VANISHED!!! One jug of Green Tea... TAK CUKUP!!! we were wilD... all of us... me, Joe Whatever, Plex 'the kesianted one", Muse 2 Musz, Ian Cannon, Johnny Bravo, Gary the snail, & Maggie Mee... nothing beats us at Sushi King... thats juz the Semangat Starbucks "Just Say YES"!

the kesianted, m2m, ian cannon

macam apa!!! so damn packed... DHL jak...

Joe & ...

Johnny Bravo!, Snailly Gary & Maggs

makan2! joe observing...

gila time...

wowzers! look at those plates!!!

bukan sengaja mok makan there... but today is member's privilege day... all rice based item RM2... we apa lagi... hentam jak la... all & all, we spent RM122.50 not bad for stuffed dinner for 8... best lah!
ohw ya... btw, i stopped by again for a box of doughnuts at Big Apple... craving...!

waduh, waduh!

Wow... what a day... finally, i'm back home, blogging 2 you guys... thanks for reading...! Now, gotta get back to my creative studies...


Minggu, 20 April 2008


hah! finally at 1.55am i actually got something to post about!

this video is FANTASTIC!!!
it made my day! YESSSS!!!
everybody enjoy!

Sabtu, 19 April 2008


tired, tired, tired!!!!
feel like wanna scream!!!
aduh... 2day saturday pun awal2 dah kluar... until baru tadi i sampai rumah... left work at around 1.30am bah... crazy day!!! dah larh hampir crash! my mind actually went blur for few moments be4 i realise anything... i think my mind needs more rest...

so...2day was like all other days... went to campus at 10am to process my ptptn (celaka punya ptptn!!!) and submit my Muara Tebas ass... afterthat, juz duduk2 wiv Carol... dont feel like doing things 2day except for doing my hair... YESSS!!! i finally did... you'll know how it looks like on Monday... no photo to post here... it cost me rm70 though... ok larh the outcome... wild!

after hair-do, went to Memories at Padungan for dinner... we ate Honey Chicken, Sweet Sour "unhalal stuff", mixed vege and Drunken Chicken... hahaha! dat was funny... but nyaman larh our dinner... we spent around rm40 i think...but it was satisfying... aku bersyukur...

OMG! y is dis post soooooo boring??? help me... i think dat my mind is starting to shut down or pre-parkinsons disease or sumthing...!

after makan... sent Dorr & Sher back & to collect my precious men's purse yang tertinggal earlier on... then, speed off to work... at work, nothing much happened lar... the kesianted one came for a brief visit... thanks man for dropping by... if not, takda org teman me break time... then, i juz boring and go makan at KFC a.k.a. palang merah yang memang "bagai pinang dibelah dua" wiv my hair! ur presence enhance my semangat diet... so tak jadi lah makan again...

owh...btw, Angie & Moulin Rouge stopped by for dinner at my store... glad that they were happy wiv what we served... gave them 30% discount! my colleagues pula ada gatal sikit... HR ya... mok minta no. Moulin Rouge eventhough she's unavailable... mentang2 my fwen... tapi i tetap tidak beri... mana boleh kaco honey org lain! ish...
after layan Angie & MR sekejap, i went back to work...
work, work, work... until balik... dah balik, mandi, then this larh...
sorry larh... if boring... i am juz exhausted... i think i'll wake up at noon later... soooo needing more rest... i dont want to lose my stability... nanti ada aku tiba2 laughing in the shower bcoz excited gilak the water touching my body... jangan... pernah berlaku! dat time dah unstable gilak! need some pills here... no one???
i so NEED a P.A.... ok lah...

signing off...

Jumat, 18 April 2008


it's never gonna be easy coz i decided to continue building my blog...
it's so... not senang...! yalah, hav 2 prepare pictures, then, think on wat to post, then other stuff to consider... aduhhhh... bukan senang!
tapi apa nak buat... dah tanggung jawab... :(

okay, today... early morning dah rushing... lambat sentiasa...
pick up jimmy, dexter then off to campus... i tergesa-gesa to class sampai my pinggang, burit langar sini sana pundah i dont care... bcoz it was oredi 9.15am bah!

TENGOK2! Nikki wasn't in class... i was expecting her to be standing in front with notes in her hands... kecewa saya... then, i jalan pegi Wings, jumpa Annabelle & Roza... told them... i rush for nothing! betul bah! my Kak Gee would say... "aik! BOLEH SIK?????" haven't saw her the whole day though... hope she's all right...
anyway, i juz sat there and enjoyed breakfast wiv them... dah around 9.35am baru i went back to class... ok larh... 'she' started oredi... i sat there and listen larh... biasa lah my boringness melanda... History Of Art class... what do u expect???

after that boring sensation... i brought Vans, Abl & Roz to the Spring... for lunch... there we met up with Addy which I never knew turn himself into a vegetarian... mmg BAGUSSS(+ 1 S)--extra!
sesampai sahaja... we went straight to Big Apple donuts... yayness! mmg best! only rm12 for a box of 6...

Big Apple


dah tu, we rush to the food bazaar to makan. i hav class at 2pm, so, i juz enjoyed my chicken rice.... i mmg recommend larh...


Dah makan... i berkobar-kobar go class to pass up my Photography ass...
TENGOK2! I forgot to include 3 photos! BOLEH SIK??????? i was juz in class a very short while when i rushed out afterwards to repair the ass... kedak olympics aku berkobar hari tok... went to wisma satok AGAIN... develop photos...
TENGOK2! sik cukup duit!!!! hav to korban my Saham... go withdraw at Maybank (nasib dekat jak) tapi tunggu...... nangggggg lamakkk!!! aduhhhhh!
dah dapat duit, aku went to kutip my photos... owh btw, i met Tass sia... terus melekat la... then she teman me to U-Tech... need to buy some fancy card, black folders, glue, double tape, cd(s) & cover... i know... dats alot...!
seperti biasa, i think, i spent...dunno lah... today...
let me revise...

i) develop photos -- rm 10.50
ii) u-tech -- rm 70
iii) lunch -- rm 4.60
iv) big apple -- rm 6
v) tass -- rm 50
vi) fuel -- rm 50
v) dinner -- rm 10

u can count yourself...
TENGOK2! sik ku sedar dah berapa BYK kluar dari poket hari tok! aduhhhh... gila betol!
tapi apa nak buat... redha saja la... life is not easy... byk kisah kehidupan yang harus diluahkan...
so, when everything's done... i finally sempat submitted my ass... mmg dahsyat... express!
i was quite blur for a moment after that... shock i think... bcoz dah habis one assignment...
later, i decided to leave... first to send Remy to town... then, to my store. Sampai sia, i worked on my Muara Tebas photos... tampal here, tampal there... siap pun...

*why i feel this post is getting more boring???*

walau apapun... i tetap akan teruskan bagi pembaca yang setia...!!!
okay, lekak ya, i ask Ian to drive me, Phillex, Mel & Jazil to Baruk for dinner... dinner was great...! butter praws, nasi goreng enjin, and tom yam soup... nang nyaman!

mouth watering...

just WOW!

what's more interesting is me made fun of Phillex throughout the whole time we're feasting... hah! that was fun! kesiannya! nya terpaksa menyerah pada melodi-melodi pedas ku... *effect dari tom yam ya kali nak* adalah... pasal benda2 ulu... those who were involve will understand...

Ian, Jazzy & Melbox

Jakop & the kesianted one...

even with all the ups & downs of the day... i still manage to have fun wiv friends... thanks guys for making my day... school & work! you guys r the best!!! YESSS!!!
this is for today... till we meet again 2moro... hopefully lar... i keja bah!

dear plex,
hereby, i would like to appologize for all the "lazzzzer!" stuff i said earlier on,
all those, i never meant,

your friend,

Kamis, 17 April 2008


yalah, yalah...
my boss recommended me to do a blog...
i said dat i'm not really into it...
on the other hand, i thought i should pula...
so, here's an update of my blog since i have not been doing anything to it semenjak once upon a time... dulu la...

well, today was...exhausting! early morning oredi wake up and revise my Design Studies notes for the exam at 9.32am... it went ok larh... since Alex actually gave clues and the exam was a total mess... "more like discussion" as Jimmy said so...

the exam finished happilly at 10.32am... passed up and ada briefing on next ASSignment. we were required to design a book... sounds easy, i know... but... NEVER assume... it's NEVER easy! will start on that after i clean up all my remaining mess (ass(s))...
- Life Drawing
- Communication Studies
- Creative Studies... HARUS Gilak habis SOON! next Monday submission!
- the rest i 4got...

after class was dismiss, i quickly went the hell out of there... grabbed Annabel, Vannessa, Tan & Jessica for lunch at a place call "GRANMA"... hahaha! how lame... but nasib the food was nice... we had Bak Kut Teh...


unfortunately it's STRICTLY...



selepas itu, i drove them back to campus... then, went out again to wisma satok to develop photos for the freakin' ASS... tengok2 the development of those photos influence the development of my *whatever feeling i was having dat time*... those photos cost me
RM 108.50

like... what the F...

ok lah... bayar saja! had to lend some cash from Tassyla... thanks Tassyla!!! dah tu, we hantar my Kak Gee to bayar her saman sik engkah parking coupon at DBKU payment counter nearby Maybank Perbankan Islam (so racist... cubalah Perbankan Bersama!) at satok... from there, drive again all the way to Main Post Office to buy Setem Hasil for the stupid PTPTN thing...
adakah patut have to buy another RM 20... last time punya RM 20 oso tak cukup kah??? they pandai pakai alasan 'change procedure'... change procedure your ASS! kak ya... we drove again pegi Techno Graphic... i hav to buy some thing to mount my photos... after that baru we pulang campus... lelah gilerrrr! my Kak Gee pun dah lost her mind... i wish i could help her... but myself tak ter-help... so kesianted!

Kak Gee...

Jaga diri baik2 K...

We LOVE you!!!

Aduhhhh..... first blog oredi popek-popek banyak! until now pun belum habis! sambungan... then, Kak Gee went back straight... i hope she's ok... i pulak went to my store to sambung my work... paste my photos on sum black stuff... then, my boss, minta tolong to ambil gambar for sum management dunno lah... these are some of them... ok la... bukan i pro sangat pun... in progress...

take a cooooool coffee break... ahhhhhh

inilah dia... my third place...

mr. ^up^ and about in action!

so far today was an interesting day... now it's 0058 hrs... so, got to get some rest after all this mengarang thinggy... 2moro gik got big day... hope thing go calmly... dont 4get! leave sum comments down there...

Minggu, 06 April 2008

cerita tentang ban motor


Seperti biasa ana setiap pagi kadang suka ngaterin bini ana ke kantor
walaupun lumayan agak jauh tapi demi kenyamanan everithing is ok.. hehehe

sebenernya ana udah curiga dari 3 hari sebelumnya kalo ban motor ana ini bermasalah
soalnya agak kempes tapi karena ga sempet2 jadi ga di pompa2 nih ban ..

pagi itu hari senin tanggal 7 april 2008 lagi rame2nya kendaraan di jalan
setelah perjalanan sekitar setengah jam akhirnya ana putuskan buat mompa nih ban karena rasanya ga enak, agak geol2 dan berasa bagnet kalo buat boncengan

setelah ban udah di pompa selang 10 menit perjalan dilanjutkan DUUUAAARRRRR
ban belakang motor ana meletus luar dan dalem..

emang sih ana udah pake tuh ban motor sekitar 2,5 taun dengan merek IRC
tapi kenapa bisa meletus gitu yaa
untung aja ana bis angendaliin laju kendaraan jadi tetep bisa minggir dengan smooth... ceileee..

tapi yang pasti tuh ban motor sebulan ini mulai keliatan pecah2 di celah2 gripnya yang sisi samping, mungkin karena udah lama jadi getas kali yaa karetnya dan itu lah penyebab meletusnya ban motor dan yang kedua kayanya tuh tukang pompa kekncengan mompanya jadi akibat tekanan angin yang terlalu besar ditambah umur ban yang udah uzur begitulah jadinya.

yaudah buat temen2 semua moga2 ini bisa jadi pelajaran buat yang lain
oh ia ana akhirnya ganti ban luar merek lain karena juga sekaan mo ngetes apakah kalo udah uzur punya penyakit yang sama ato enggak dan juga sekalian mo ngeliat ketahanan ban dari merek lain.

sekian dari ana