Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Two Is Better Than One

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

a trip to Ancol

a birthday present

Dont know what to write. Dont know what to share. As I heard this song, an idea came into my head. Try to flow out what was in my head. And it's you. Such a silly posting. I Love You. Always have. Always will.



Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Jerry Positive Thinking

Jerry is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant.

The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.

I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.

"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gun point by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.

I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live."
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Jerry continued, "...the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man.'

I knew I needed to take action." " What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'"

Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.


Sumber :

Senin, 15 Februari 2010


All that I can say is just HAPPY!
There is always place to share.
To be spoiled at.
To give in.
To guide.
To help.
To miss.
To care for.
To laugh at.
To love.


To be loved.

Happy 4th anniversary dear my sweetheart.
I Love You. Always have. Always will.


Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Easier to Get Knowledge

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Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

a new baby at home

As I promised you guys to bring you some of my freaky stories (not as freaky as you think maybe, but interesting enough I guess), this time i would like to tell you about my entire day on the 2nd february, 2010. But before we start it all over, i want to announce you something that made me very surprised this week. I have won the Gogirl! Fashion Tag of The Week!! Woohoo.. This is the photo

Wish me luck guys to win the Gogirl! Fashion Tag of The Month! Okay that one isn't my only one priority, because i have things that could be very important to reach. This is my wishlist in my new semester:

1. Buy at least one literature book and finish it all
2. Improve my speaking and writing skills (cause of those things, I started to blog here)
3. Gain a very high GPA in this semester (that's why i don't wanna enter an Estetika class, because i think it doesn't really important to fill 24 credits and get a very quick graduation but you don't really understand the course and just follow your temporary passion then get a lower GPA, sorry guys it's just only my opinion)
4. Start to make some tips and tricks in order to be a good contributor in one of a well-known fashion magazine
5. and so on (actually i forget ;p)
Hopefully those things will work out fine :)

Oh no! It's me an absent-minded person who always forgets everything to do. I used to tell you about my exhausted day-out this day. Okay here it is. Actually my Literature teacher, Mam Eva, asked us to buy a novel from Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre. But that novel was very hard to reach. Such an odd book. I had to call lots of bookstores to get that novel, start from Periplus until Kinokuniya. Thanks for Kinokuniya PIM for providing the novel, so I, myself, with my besties went out to the bookstore. It was a slightly exhausted day but i felt very happy yet. We just only purchased Rp 28.000 to get that novel. Nothing seems worthless. The baby is now at home. These are the photos of 'Jane Eyre'..

And these are some photos of my great friends. I'm glad to be close to them. They are all very impressive. Love you..

As I read the novel, then suddenly fall in love with the quote on that novel, in the last paragraph 3 chapter 4 if i'm not mistaken

"human beings must love something..."

Therefore, i must bear in my mind in order to have something i'd love to. And this is how the way i start to fall in love with literature novels. Yes, i hope this one will be my hobby evermore.
Okay, now my knees and my feet get hurt because of the long long long journey. Too much walk is not good for your health.

Sorry friends if this posting bothers you. And I'd be glad to if you're mind to give comments about the grammar or whatever.

I almost forget one thing. My friend, encop, took photos of me while waiting for dini. She bought a spongebob binder for her lovely BFF. Please enjoy my photos at the bookstore. This is my hobby too. I've a great passion on that. Check it out :)



How to get there easily advances

I do not remember how many times I felt that I needed the money quickly to cover all your needs can. Employees who are paid every month, although I am not, I still many problems to deal with their own money are. Sometimes I'm at the end of each month, my money like that when they need money fast to pay my car when you need medical care, bills, etc., to pay for repairs often direct costs I am able to pay parents, sisters and friends, when I came to this situation, money. But when I have more money came and the cash advance, I was upset, and I think that is necessary and the following solution for friends and relatives to borrow money.

And I learned that the recent decision of the great success fee to cover all your costs. In the past, we can quickly get the money lender, office, and must be paid when the income of my salary. No wait days or weeks before the money was transferred, can be found on the Internet reliable advance and will soon receive money.

Dictionary search for easy money loans

In early 2010 the economy is not recovering very well. The price of some products important to many people without work is expensive, you can rely on its cash reserves. Workers and employees of the assets in the final stages of the outsourcing business outsourcing adds. It is the economic aspect of the dilemma. Therefore, when we come to the end of this month comes natural. Because we still eat and drink in a day to buy commodities like natural gas, can not wait for next paycheck. The reason a lot of cash in advance payday loans until your next payday to cover their costs will be.

Q: In Internet forums, where the development money from the bank or trust found. Because before the bench, and you can not trust you to know I can use the money more quickly and can provide services that work hard and are very intelligent. The quality of loan for you, you know how long ago the Italian for a while if not using the service to listen a lot, especially Internet sites can use the forums to find cash loans.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Survey Porno

Saya Yuga Eko Wahyono, siswa salah satu SMA Negeri di kota Malang. Penelitian ini saya lakukan untuk memenuhi tugas akhir sekolah sekaligus ingin menduniakan bahwasanya pornografi itu menganggu kesehatan.

Survey ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pendapat dari berbagai kalangan pengguna internet, mengenai dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan pornografi. Semoga dapat bermanfaat, karena sesungguhnya pornografi itu mengganggu kesehatan.

Klik di sini untuk mengisi surveynya...

kata-katanya kayak orang ngantuk ya? semoga aja yang ngisi ntar ndak ngantuk.. intinya saya minta bantuan untuk isi survey nya ya.. bonus gambar HOT! :)

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Pesan Hidup Dari Bocah Penjual Koran

Dari tadi pagi hujan mengguyur kota tanpa henti, udara yang biasanya sangat panas, hari ini terasa sangat dingin. Di jalanan hanya sesekali mobil yang lewat, hari ini hari libur membuat orang kota malas untuk keluar rumah.

Di perempatan jalan, Umar, seorang anak kecil berlari-lari menghampiri mobil yang berhenti di lampu merah, dia membiarkan tubuhnya terguyur air hujan, hanya saja dia begitu erat melindungi koran dagangannya dengan lembaran plastik.

“Korannya bu !”seru Umar berusaha mengalahkan suara air hujan.

Dari balik kaca mobil si ibu menatap dengan kasihan, dalam hatinya dia merenung anak sekecil ini harus berhujan-hujan untuk menjual koran. Dikeluarkannya satu lembar dua puluh ribuan dari lipatan dompet dan membuka sedikit kaca mobil untuk mengulurkan lembaran uang.

“Mau koran yang mana bu?, tanya Umar dengan riang.
”Nggak usah, ini buat kamu makan, kalau koran tadi pagi aku juga sudah baca”, jawab si ibu.

Si Umar kecil itu tampak terpaku, lalu diulurkan kembali uang dua puluh ribu yang dia terima, ”Terima kasih bu, saya menjual koran, kalau ibu mau beli koran silakan, tetapi kalau ibu memberikan secara cuma-cuma, mohon maaf saya tidak bisa menerimanya”, Umar berkata dengan muka penuh ketulusan.

Dengan geram si ibu menerima kembali pemberiannya, raut mukanya tampak kesal, dengan cepat dinaikkannya kaca mobil. Dari dalam mobil dia menggerutu ”Udah miskin sombong!”. Kakinya menginjak pedal gas karena lampu menunjukkan warna hijau. Meninggalkan Umar yang termenung penuh tanda tanya.Umar berlari lagi ke pinggir, dia mencoba merapatkan tubuhnya dengan dinding ruko tempatnya berteduh.Tangan kecilnya sesekali mengusap muka untuk menghilangkan butir-butir air yang masih menempel. Sambil termenung dia menatap nanar rintik-rintik hujan di depannya, ”Ya Tuhan, hari ini belum satupun koranku yang laku”, gumamnya lemah.

Hari beranjak sore namun hujan belum juga reda, Umar masih saja duduk berteduh di emperan ruko, sesekali tampak tangannya memegangi perut yang sudah mulai lapar.Tiba-tiba didepannya sebuah mobil berhenti, seorang bapak dengan bersungut-sungut turun dari mobil menuju tempat sampah,”Tukang gorengan sialan, minyak kaya gini bisa bikin batuk”, dengan penuh kebencian dicampakkannya satu plastik gorengan ke dalam tong sampah, dan beranjak kembali masuk ke mobil. Umar dengan langkah cepat menghampiri laki-laki yang ada di mobil. ”Mohon maaf pak, bolehkah saya mengambil makanan yang baru saja bapak buang untuk saya makan”, pinta Umar dengan penuh harap. Pria itu tertegun, luar biasa anak kecil di depannya. Harusnya dia bisa saja mengambilnya dari tong sampah tanpa harus meminta ijin. Muncul perasaan belas kasihan dari dalam hatinya.

“Nak, bapak bisa membelikan kamu makanan yang baru, kalau kamu mau”
”Terima kasih pak, satu kantong gorengan itu rasanya sudah cukup bagi saya, boleh khan pak?, tanya Umar sekali lagi.”Bbbbbooolehh”, jawab pria tersebut dengan tertegun. Umar berlari riang menuju tong sampah, dengan wajah sangat bahagia dia mulai makan gorengan, sesekali dia tersenyum melihat laki-laki yang dari tadi masih memandanginya.

Dari dalam mobil sang bapak memandangi terus Umar yang sedang makan. Dengan perasaan berkecamuk di dekatinya Umar.

”Nak, bolehkah bapak bertanya, kenapa kamu harus meminta ijinku untuk mengambil makanan yang sudah aku buang?, dengan lembut pria itu bertanya dan menatap wajah anak kecil di depannya dengan penuh perasaan kasihan.”Karena saya melihat bapak yang membuangnya, saya akan merasakan enaknya makanan halal ini kalau saya bisa meminta ijin kepada pemiliknya, meskipun buat bapak mungkin sudah tidak berharga, tapi bagi saya makanan ini sangat berharga, dan saya pantas untuk meminta ijin memakannya ”, jawab si anak sambil membersihkan bibirnya dari sisa minyak goreng.

Pria itu sejenak terdiam, dalam batinnya berkata, anak ini sangat luar biasa. ”Satu lagi nak, aku kasihan melihatmu, aku lihat kamu basah dan kedinginan, aku ingin membelikanmu makanan lain yang lebih layak, tetapi mengapa kamu menolaknya”.Si anak kecil tersenyum dengan manis,
”Maaf pak, bukan maksud saya menolak rejeki dari Bapak. Buat saya makan sekantong gorengan hari ini sudah lebih dari cukup. Kalau saya mencampakkan gorengan ini dan menerima tawaran makanan yang lain yang menurut Bapak lebih layak, maka sekantong gorengan itu menjadi mubazir, basah oleh air hujan dan hanya akan jadi makanan tikus.”

”Tapi bukankah kamu mensia-siakan peluang untuk mendapatkan yang lebih baik dan lebih nikmat dengan makan di restoran di mana aku yang akan mentraktirnya”, ujar sang laki-laki dengan nada agak tinggi karena merasa anak di depannya berfikir keliru.

Umar menatap wajah laki-laki didepannya dengan tatapan yang sangat teduh,”Bapak!, saya sudah sangat bersyukur atas berkah sekantong gorengan hari ini. Saya lapar dan bapak mengijinkan saya memakannya”, Umar memperbaiki posisi duduknya dan berkata kembali, ”Dan saya merasa berbahagia, bukankah bahagia adalah bersyukur dan merasa cukup atas anugerah hari ini, bukan menikmati sesuatu yang nikmat dan hebat hari ini tetapi menimbulkan keinginan dan kedahagaan untuk mendapatkannya kembali di kemudian hari.”Umar berhenti berbicara sebentar, lalu diciumnya tangan laki-laki di depannya untuk berpamitan. Dengan suara lirih dan tulus Umar melanjutkan kembali,”Kalau hari ini saya makan di restoran dan menikmati kelezatannya dan keesokan harinya saya menginginkannya kembali sementara bapak tidak lagi mentraktir saya, maka saya sangat khawatir apakah saya masih bisa merasakan kebahagiaannya”.

Pria tersebut masih saja terpana, dia mengamati anak kecil di depannya yang sedang sibuk merapikan koran dan kemudian berpamitan pergi.”Ternyata bukan dia yang harus dikasihani, Harusnya aku yang layak dikasihani, karena aku jarang bisa berdamai dengan hari ini”

Seperkti dikisahkan dalam forum kaskus

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Belajar Dari Penjual Kerupuk

Kisah ini diceritakan oleh Bp Chappy Hakim (mantan KSAU). Pada tahun 1969, saya mengikuti latihan para dasar, terjun payung statik di pangkalan Udara Margahayu Bandung. Menjalani latihan yang cukup berat bersama dengan lebih kurang 120 orang dan ditampung dalam dua barak panjang tempat latihan terjun tempur.

Setiap makan pagi, siang dan malam hari yang dilaksanakan di barak, kami memperoleh makanan ransum latihan yang diberikan dengan ompreng dan atau rantang standar prajurit. Diujung barak tersedia drum berisi sayur, dan disamping nya ada sebuah karung plastik berisi kerupuk milik seorang ibu setengah baya warga sekitar asrama prajurit yang dijual kepada siapa saja yang merasa perlu untuk menambah lauk makanan jatah yang terasa kurang lengkap bila tidak ada kerupuk. Sang ibu paruh baya ini, tidak pernah menunggu barang dagangannya.

Setiap pagi, siang dan malam menjelang waktu makan dia meletakkan karung plastik berisi krupuk dan disamping nya diletakkan pula kardus bekas rinso untuk uang, bagi orang yang membeli kerupuknya. Nanti setelah selesai waktu makan dia datang dan mengemasi karung plastik dengan sisa kerupuk dan kardus berisi uang pembayar kerupuk.

Iseng, saya tanyakan, apakah ada yang nggak bayar Bu? Jawabannya cukup mengagetkan, dia percaya kepada semua siswa latihan terjun, karena dia sudah bertahun-tahun berdagang kerupuk di barak tersebut dengan cara demikian. Hanya meletakkan saja, tidak ditunggu dan nanti setelah semuanya selesai makan dia baru datang lagi untuk mengambil sisa kerupuk dan uang hasil jualannya. Selama itu, dia tidak pernah mengalami defisit. Artinya tidak ada satu pun pembeli kerupuk yang tidak bayar. Setiap orang memang dengan kesadaran mengambil kerupuk, lalu membayar sesuai harganya. Bila dia harus bayar dengan uang yang ada kembaliannya, dia bayar dan mengambil sendiri uang kembaliannya di kotak rinso kosong tersebut.

Demikian seterusnya. Beberapa pelatih terjun, bercerita bahwa dalam pengalamannya, semua siswa terjun payung yang berlatih disitu dan menginap dibarak latihan tidak ada yang berani mengambil kerupuk dan tidak bayar. Mereka takut, bila melakukan itu, khawatir payung nya tidak mengembang dan akan terjun bebas serta mati berkalang tanah.

Sampai sekarang, saya selalu berpikir, mengapa orang sebenarnya bisa jujur dan dapat dipercaya, hanya karena pintu kematian berada didepan wajahnya. Yang saya pikirkan, bagaimana caranya membuat manusia setiap saat berada dalam kondisi atau suasana latihan terjun, mungkinkah?

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010


Whoah it seems a long time not to warble here garrulously. Yet it's just only a week ago. But i miss the way i leave stains here. Oke fellas, i absolutely want to share some more stories here. But keep it patiently, on the next blogging i will show you those freaky things.
You know guys what i was doing in those previous hours? i found the cheap and yummy place at a hind Rawamangun bus station (actually i found that place for the last 2 years if i'm not mistaken, or whatever it was). It was not a huge place to stay awhile, though it's still quite comfortable to meet up with chatty friends. Furthermore, the meals there, are very cheap. It is usually called DAPOER KITA by name. I, myself, and my man have spent only Rp 30.000 for a plate of bolognaise spaghetti, a packet of ice cream, a glass of Miloshake, and you know what guys, a pan of milky Lasagna. Here some photos of it.

Hmm sounds yummy right?? For your information, the portion are there aren't very big, but still can extinguish my famished belly. You should visit that place sometimes.
Thank you friends for reading and visiting my blog. All comments are appreciated here.

Niken :)

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Accountancy Career Change

There are times when you suddenly feel that there is a need to change your career path. If you are not satisfied with your present work, you have to decide the right career path to take. Life is too short and you should be doing a work that you truly love and enjoy.

There are various reasons why many individuals want to make a career change. Perhaps you find your job boring lately because of the low salary or you have higher ambition that you want to fulfill; well, whatever the reasons are, you can make that change in your life and you shouldn’t even fret about it. You see, nowadays, there are a lot of employment options and opportunities. You can already secure a high paying job for as long as you qualify and did you know that an accountancy career might be good for you?

Even if you’re not a graduate of an accounting degree, you can become an accountant. That’s not a lie but that can only happen if you’re willing to study again. You’re never too old to go to school. If you’re an undergraduate or you’ve taken a business-related course, you can pursue your college education in accounting. Those who have taken business-related courses can easily shift to accountancy because some of their subjects in college can be credited. They will only be taking the necessary units in order to finish the degree. Although it might take a few more years, the rewards can make your head spin. Be patient and don’t hesitate to gain more knowledge.

There are thousands or even millions of people out there who have decided to make a career change. If you’re planning to do the same thing, it’s a good feeling to know that you’re not alone in your quest. But before you make that ‘big’ career change, here are a few things to ponder.

1. You have to ask yourself why you want to change your career. Even if you can name a lot of reasons why you want to leave your old job, that will not help in making a good decision. What you must do is to identify the aspects of accounting (if you plan to make an accountancy career change). If you think that you have the qualities of an accountant and you feel that you can be creatively and commercially expanded, go ahead. Does the thought of math figures and numbers excite you?

2. Suppose the reason why you want to leave your job is the low salary, an accountancy career can give you a high salary. You see, starting salaries of accountants is usually around $35,000 per year. It increases as years go by. But you must remember that you can enjoy these salary benefits if you finished a degree in accounting.

3. Get to know people who are in the accounting industry. You can conduct some research to determine the necessary skills required, how business accounting works, and many more information.

Changing a career to accountancy can alter your life forever. You have to come up with a responsible and conscious decision. Once you’re already in the accountancy profession, you have to work carefully and diligently.

Keep yourself motivated because you will surely experience set-backs. If you can overcome these things, nothing vcan stop you in doing your job efficiently.

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Accountancy Auditing Careers

Within the field of accounting, there are a lot of career choices and accountancy auditing careers is just one. Auditing is very important and it is considered as an integral part of business finances. Auditors are greatly needed to examine, analyze, and verify the business finances.

The Bureau of Labor claims that accountancy auditors are in-demand at present and in the years to come. Employment of auditors is expected to increase eventually. If you’re still looking for an accountancy career, you might want to consider working as a company auditor.

What is an auditor? Auditors are also accountants. However, they primarily deal with examining and corroborating financial statements. The various statements are examined closely and the auditors make sure that everything will ‘add up’. Sometimes, inaccuracies and errors occur. The task of the auditor is to determine where these inaccuracies or errors exist. Aside from that, auditors develop certain courses of action to avoid future errors.

If you think that the task of the auditor is simply scrutinizing financial statements, you’re quite wrong. Auditors examine the various company bills and they ensure debit and credit accuracy. Errors are immediately corrected to avoid financial problems.

Government auditors are different from non-government auditors. You see, they are the ones who examine from different perspective – the tax perspective. Some filed tax returns are suspicious and so the task of the government auditors is to conduct an audit on the individual or business entity and check if it’s accurate. A very good example is a business who filed a tax return, claiming that they incurred many expenses.

IRS auditors will then check the said expenses to ensure that it meets the tax code criteria. If it does not meet the criteria, the company can be given penalties. Most tax auditors have bad reputations but they deserve more than that. You see, being a government auditor is among the top accountancy careers because they make sure that the people are honest enough to file their tax returns and that the government will not be cheated.

An accountancy career is technology driven. Many years ago, auditors work manually but nowadays, it’s a lot different. Present-day auditors should know how to work with computers and complicated accounting software or programs. This is the only way to keep up with technology and to stay competitive in the market.

If you want to become a company auditor someday, you have to graduate with a bachelor’s accounting degree. Certifications are oftentimes needed although some states don’t require it. More job opportunities are open to those who earned a Master’s degree as well as some certification.

Salary is a very important consideration when choosing a career. Auditors are earning a yearly salary of about $54,000. Senior auditors receive higher salaries which can reach as high as $80,000 per year. However, if you’re a new auditor, you can earn about $35,000 per year. You see, accountancy careers let you earn big money.

Starting salaries are reasonable and don’t you worry because after a several years, your salary will definitely increase. If accounting is your passion, choose an accountancy auditing career. Despite the bad reputations of auditors, you should still believe in yourself and that you’re going to have a decent job that let’s you earn reasonable salary.

Who cares what other people say; the important thing is that you’re doing an excellent job.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

This stuff is to die for

Do you know guys about ? Kinda store that sells so many cute flat shoes. I'm craving for these shoes so much. Would you mind pick the most gorgeous one for me fellas?

This is the T-Bar

Let me think over about it

The edgy

The chic one

I really want those shoes at least one. It's so pathetic. But I don't care.

You know guys it's just only my wishlist :)

<3 href="">