hey there...!
here's a questionnaire... tagged by doreen...
1 ) Are you allowed to have a bf/gf?
>>i hope
2 ) Describe urself in one word
3 ) Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
>>someone who really loves me... i like it dat way
4 ) Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?
>>not love la... juz perasaan yang keliru or sumthing..
5 ) Does it feel good to love?~
>>i believe...
6 ) God is giving u just 5 more minutes to live, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person?
>>"dear ..., i want you to know that i had always love you and i will always have you in my soul wherever it takes me to..." recorded and post on youtube...
7 ) What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you??
>>suka hati u la...! celaka!
8 ) Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
>>haven't... i guess...
9 ) What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
>>cannot say anything...
10 ) What can you say about playboys/playgirls?
>>they meant for eachother... ONLY...
[[ * PART 2 * ]]
1 ) Best place to cry? -- i can cry anywhere...
2 ) Who do you love the most? -- there is no such thing as "MOST" in love... i love everyone who wants to be love
3 ) Tell us ur dream las night? -- i cant dream coz i hav trouble sleeping...
4) Ever hated someone so bad? -- selalu...!!!
5 ) The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard? -- no lie is hurtful... it's juz another lie...
[[ * LAST PERSON... * ]]
:: had a beer with? -- my dad... i think...
:: went to the movies with? -- friends...
:: talked on the cell phone with? -- nizam
:: u hugged? --
:: u yelled at? -- i dont yell... i juz talk loudly...
>> Kissed sumone? -- tak der...
>> Sing/sung/song? -- baru tadi
>> Danced crazy? -- cant remember...
// Think of the las time u wer angry, why were u angry?
stupid slow streamyx connection!!!
// You will die in 3 mins. Last call?
// If you could do anything OR wish anything, wad would it be?
i want to be able to study at anywhere i wan without any financial difficulties...
// Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?
pernah kot...
// Are you old fashioned?
not fully...
// What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
not to love...
// What things would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
...dats the end of this questionnaire...
those who feel tagged... please jalankan tugas...
Minggu, 13 Juli 2008
Selasa, 08 Juli 2008
No Sleep
hey guys...
me again blogging... in the middle of the night...
another night kena serang insomnia...
i dont know why??? but i juz cant sleep!!! aduhhhh!!! sengsara tau!
dah la 2moro i do opening shift... like... 5.30am!
i thought of juz lying down on the bed... lazying... tapi my body so restless...
mau bangun juga! so i bangun la...! seksa my soul... i think my soul and body are going through a divorce or sumthing... keep on fighting! saya juga sengsara!
now... dunno wat to do... i'm gonna check out youtube...
----------30 minutes later---------------
youtube pun nothing to laugh at...
i think i'm juz gonna sit and relax myself...
me again blogging... in the middle of the night...
another night kena serang insomnia...
i dont know why??? but i juz cant sleep!!! aduhhhh!!! sengsara tau!
dah la 2moro i do opening shift... like... 5.30am!
i thought of juz lying down on the bed... lazying... tapi my body so restless...
mau bangun juga! so i bangun la...! seksa my soul... i think my soul and body are going through a divorce or sumthing... keep on fighting! saya juga sengsara!
now... dunno wat to do... i'm gonna check out youtube...
----------30 minutes later---------------
youtube pun nothing to laugh at...
i think i'm juz gonna sit and relax myself...
another day here in my hometown...
and it's raining outside...
so... i'm bored... as always...
not working today and juz lepak2 here at sbux airport...
and while i was going through the photos from my vacation... i saw one and i said...
i MUST post this on my blog...
here u go...

if u guys noticed... the guy behind my friend... with the laptop... is reading a CONFIDENTIAL file... cuba u fikir! why on earth would u read a CONFIDENTIAL file in PUBLIC... extra STUPID guy!!! bodoh betul! if i can notice that... what would u think of others who would kill for dat information on dat document...? stupid kan??? terang2 sudah tulis there... CONFIDENTIAL... gila!
so... dat all for today...
hope to blog again soon...
and it's raining outside...
so... i'm bored... as always...
not working today and juz lepak2 here at sbux airport...
and while i was going through the photos from my vacation... i saw one and i said...
i MUST post this on my blog...
here u go...

if u guys noticed... the guy behind my friend... with the laptop... is reading a CONFIDENTIAL file... cuba u fikir! why on earth would u read a CONFIDENTIAL file in PUBLIC... extra STUPID guy!!! bodoh betul! if i can notice that... what would u think of others who would kill for dat information on dat document...? stupid kan??? terang2 sudah tulis there... CONFIDENTIAL... gila!
so... dat all for today...
hope to blog again soon...
Senin, 07 Juli 2008
Ku Mau Lagi...
hey guys...!!!
yup... i haven't blog for a very long time...
well, here i am to tell my kisah2 once again...
i keep on having dis feeling of MALAS when ever logging into my blog page....
i know what to write... most of the time... but juz malas to type it out and susun photos...
everyone's been blogging on how boring this sem break has and will continue to be... but me.... talking about it pun belum...
i do miss da college and friends... most of them have already balik kampung... and sum preparing to fly away and soar to better heights... i guess it wont be the same when the new sem starts... it's been different since john left and ilya's dissapperance... soon, doreen n angel will leave as well... aduh... sad to think about that... and i talked it with mom about my dissatisfaction of studying graphic design... she finally got it and gave me the green light to choose the path i wanted... i'm quite sad not studying design anymore... just dat i never thought it could be this hard and stressful... i fought with my mom last sem bcoz of hardship going through stuffs...i know that there is nothing easy in the world... but i believe there's something lighter for me to bear out there... something that i can actually shine in...
friends have been very helpfull... talked it wiv them and they encourage me to follow my heart... THANKS guys!!!
some of u guys might know about my trip to kl last week... well, it was quite fun n lotz of pain... hahaha! serves me right! yalah.... only 2 days to catch up with things... running here and there... well, the day started off... aduhhhhhh!!!!
AIR ASIA cancelled our flight! we were supposed to fly out at 9am sumthing... then they replace wiv the 1.55pm flight!!! i know right...! who wouldnt be mad... dah la we 4 last to board... so we cant sit in a row... i almost died troughout the flight... boringness!
finally we arrived... ahhhhh, wat a releaved... straight to the bus and off to sentral... then, we took the cab to the cititel... it wasnt dat expansive... nasib...! after checking in and dumping our bags in the room... we went straight for dinner at mid valley... after dat... i dah tak sabar2 to bukit bintang... i juz stopped a cab to head off there... wow! that ride was not dat cheap and never safe.... picture a roller coaster controller driving the cab... dat was heart pounding!
well, sampai there around 9 i think but we had a pretty good look on things... stopped by at low yat... wow! now dats a one stop computing solution center! it has changed alot... then, walked our way to sungei wang and bb plaza... surveying things on wat to get the next day...
soon... we found ourselves on the other side of the street... at subway... for a pain in the ass rm20 sandwich... harris hav been telling me about how amazing the sandwiches are... but all i can see is the special extra long length... like... 12inch... aduhhh!!! i took sumthing shorter, so mine's cheaper...
so, after dat, we decided to call the day off and head back to mid valley... bought stuff there to stuff the room... we had coke, water, junk foods and some booze...
rise and shine for day 2....
joe jadi mangsa to become our alarm clock... haha!
we hit the roads at noon.... started off wiv sum refreshments at mid valley's starbucks...
then, took the train to sentral and monorail to bb...
sampai saja... start shopping...! both ian and harris sibuk shopping... ian shopped the most during our 4 days trip (sepatutnya la)...
he took each moment to enjoy his shopping...
harris bought a fabulous shoe... sum shirts and a fedora... it looks good on u man! NGETOP banget!
ian... i cant recall his shopping items... banyak sangat!
joe bought sum pemberat kaki from klcc the next day...
and me... well, did not shop lotz... a fab kaufmann wallet... yup dats all for myself...
bought lotz for others back home... rm55 of chocs, a rm25 specially made japanese or korean bread, and sum other stuff....
money most spent on transportation and food... stopped by alot at cafes to sit, rest and drink after long (i mean... really longgg...) walks...
overall, it was an ok trip... i cant get much stuff coz i didnt brought enough cash... so wasnt really happy... thinking of going back anytime in sept.... juz before the malaysia mega sale ends...
owh ya... SPECIAL THANKS to my NGETOP cousin for belanja me at ur hotel...!!! it was extra fabulous because the excutive chef himself layan us and share conversation wiv us... memang wow! plus, the food was AMAZING...!!! thanks Wa!
below are sum pics we took there... i never asked my travel buddies for their kebenaran to post their photos... i hope they're cool with these coolness!
yup... i haven't blog for a very long time...
well, here i am to tell my kisah2 once again...
i keep on having dis feeling of MALAS when ever logging into my blog page....
i know what to write... most of the time... but juz malas to type it out and susun photos...
everyone's been blogging on how boring this sem break has and will continue to be... but me.... talking about it pun belum...
i do miss da college and friends... most of them have already balik kampung... and sum preparing to fly away and soar to better heights... i guess it wont be the same when the new sem starts... it's been different since john left and ilya's dissapperance... soon, doreen n angel will leave as well... aduh... sad to think about that... and i talked it with mom about my dissatisfaction of studying graphic design... she finally got it and gave me the green light to choose the path i wanted... i'm quite sad not studying design anymore... just dat i never thought it could be this hard and stressful... i fought with my mom last sem bcoz of hardship going through stuffs...i know that there is nothing easy in the world... but i believe there's something lighter for me to bear out there... something that i can actually shine in...
friends have been very helpfull... talked it wiv them and they encourage me to follow my heart... THANKS guys!!!
some of u guys might know about my trip to kl last week... well, it was quite fun n lotz of pain... hahaha! serves me right! yalah.... only 2 days to catch up with things... running here and there... well, the day started off... aduhhhhhh!!!!
AIR ASIA cancelled our flight! we were supposed to fly out at 9am sumthing... then they replace wiv the 1.55pm flight!!! i know right...! who wouldnt be mad... dah la we 4 last to board... so we cant sit in a row... i almost died troughout the flight... boringness!
finally we arrived... ahhhhh, wat a releaved... straight to the bus and off to sentral... then, we took the cab to the cititel... it wasnt dat expansive... nasib...! after checking in and dumping our bags in the room... we went straight for dinner at mid valley... after dat... i dah tak sabar2 to bukit bintang... i juz stopped a cab to head off there... wow! that ride was not dat cheap and never safe.... picture a roller coaster controller driving the cab... dat was heart pounding!
well, sampai there around 9 i think but we had a pretty good look on things... stopped by at low yat... wow! now dats a one stop computing solution center! it has changed alot... then, walked our way to sungei wang and bb plaza... surveying things on wat to get the next day...
soon... we found ourselves on the other side of the street... at subway... for a pain in the ass rm20 sandwich... harris hav been telling me about how amazing the sandwiches are... but all i can see is the special extra long length... like... 12inch... aduhhh!!! i took sumthing shorter, so mine's cheaper...
so, after dat, we decided to call the day off and head back to mid valley... bought stuff there to stuff the room... we had coke, water, junk foods and some booze...
rise and shine for day 2....
joe jadi mangsa to become our alarm clock... haha!
we hit the roads at noon.... started off wiv sum refreshments at mid valley's starbucks...
then, took the train to sentral and monorail to bb...
sampai saja... start shopping...! both ian and harris sibuk shopping... ian shopped the most during our 4 days trip (sepatutnya la)...
he took each moment to enjoy his shopping...
harris bought a fabulous shoe... sum shirts and a fedora... it looks good on u man! NGETOP banget!
ian... i cant recall his shopping items... banyak sangat!
joe bought sum pemberat kaki from klcc the next day...
and me... well, did not shop lotz... a fab kaufmann wallet... yup dats all for myself...
bought lotz for others back home... rm55 of chocs, a rm25 specially made japanese or korean bread, and sum other stuff....
money most spent on transportation and food... stopped by alot at cafes to sit, rest and drink after long (i mean... really longgg...) walks...
overall, it was an ok trip... i cant get much stuff coz i didnt brought enough cash... so wasnt really happy... thinking of going back anytime in sept.... juz before the malaysia mega sale ends...
owh ya... SPECIAL THANKS to my NGETOP cousin for belanja me at ur hotel...!!! it was extra fabulous because the excutive chef himself layan us and share conversation wiv us... memang wow! plus, the food was AMAZING...!!! thanks Wa!
below are sum pics we took there... i never asked my travel buddies for their kebenaran to post their photos... i hope they're cool with these coolness!
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