Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

LKW back online...

hey there...!
like i always say it... it's been a while since my last time blogging...
soooo the malas...!

so... updates!
lkw kuching is back online as students are returning to register for their new semester...
i on the other hand... went to take my results and say my last goodbye to dat campus...
sad to stop but it's for my own good... i had made the decision and i'm gonna stick wiv it!
talking about results... i did not really did well enough... but i did not expect to pass all modules...!!! yayness!!! so all and all i got a 2.93 CGPA... sum say not bad but i believe i can do better!

ok... so, after dat... me, gary & ian went for makan2 sumwhere at rh plaza... food was amazing and the price was not bad... 5 dishes + 7 rice (i know right!) + drinks for rm57.80 it was gooood! after makan2... the three of us went to the store to lepak2 while waiting for jazil...
when jazil arrived around 2 hours later... i took them to the kuching fest food fair... been craving for the taiwan sausages.... delish! sambil makan itu... we jalan2 around there...

after that... we decided to check out the new silhouette bar restaurant at the spring... the place was nice... they took their cocktail and i actually like gary's sidecar drink... should get that again anytime soon... after spending around 40 mins there... we sambung again at triangle at premier 101... dats more relaxing as the music was not too loud and not many people present... we had ourself nicely seated on their sofas and jazil ordered a jug of heineken... apa lagi...! we minum saja lah! we left after half an hour coz we left our stuff at the store...

SPECIAL THANKS to our dearest friend... Jazil for buying us drinks!

my day today was very nice... hope to crash into another one soon where i'll write about it...